Second Sunday in Advent - Stir Up Our Hearts


The second purple candle is lit today! We meditate on the stirring up of our hearts in the preparation of for the coming of the Son, the Savior, the Light of the World. If you have been following the Chanukah entries this year (2021) you will also see that today is the last day of Chanukah and in the Jewish tradition, the Festival of Lights concludes with the reminder of the Chosen People of God to be the Light of the World, the Light to the Gentiles.

Catholicism is the fulfilled Jewish tradition. If one takes a closer look at the ways of the Jews and how they were to build their temple, set up their altar, and the vestments their priests were to wear - you will see quite a lot of similarities in the same for the Catholic tradition! 

Another reminder - when someone wishes you "Happy Holidays" - you should not be offended, but thankful that they recognize the holy days of Advent too! After all, it is not yet Christmas! Christmas begins with the Christ Mass which traditionally is a midnight Mass. And keep in mind, the way to keep Christ in Christmas is to keep the Mass in Christmas.

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