Christmastide Has Begun!

 Let us not forget - Christmas has JUST BEGUN! Not only the "12 Days of Christmas" - from Christmas Day to Epiphany (December 25-January 5th, January 6th is Epiphany). AND - even though the Season of Epiphany begins on January 6th - Christmastide lasts through Candlemas, February 2nd! 

So - MERRY CHRISTMAS! And do not be ashamed to keep wishing one another that through February 2nd! It can even be an ice-breaker for you to engage others in not only the true meaning of Christmas, but also the reality of how long the season lasts - AND that it did not even begin until Christmas Day - the weeks prior were a different season - the Season of Advent - a penitential season, similar to Lent, but not as severe, and a time of preparation for the coming of the Lord.

Many of the lessons in Advent are not about the Nativity, but the Second Coming of Jesus - which brings into focus the REAL meaning behind WHY God became Man to redeem us from our sin.

And also remember to keep Christ in Christmas - you have to keep the Mass in Christmass (spelled this way on purpose!). 

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