Qui Locutus - Formerly The CathApol Blog - a Catholic Apologetics Blog
Defending the Faith and keeping Catholics Catholic!
Scott Windsor, MEd. - aka: CathApol
In 1917, the world was embroiled in World War I and three small, illiterate children witnessed first an apparition of an angel - and then of our Lady, who identified herself as the Immaculate Conception. The first apparition of Our Lady was on May 13, 1917 - and she visited them on the 13th of each month for the next 6 months. The matter drew a lot of curiosity seekers and pilgrims hoping to see something, or at least be there while "it" was happening. Prior to the October visit Lucia told the bishop that "the Lady" would give a sign. Well, word got out of this prophesied sign and on October 13, 1917 over 70,000 people showed up! They were not disappointed!
First off, it had been raining, heavily, all day up to the time of the apparition, then the sun came out. Instantly the ground was dry. Then the people looked at the sun, and they could do so without pain or hurting their eyes, Suddenly the sun seemed to grow, or move closer to them and it "danced" in the sky. It is reported that even previously non-believers fell to their knees and begged Our Lord forgiveness.
The photos below show the crowds of people at Fatima, the first two showing them looking at the Miracle of the Sun.
The following picture is of the site of the apparitions, but it is likely from some time after 1954. The reason for dating it post 1954 is that basilica did not begin construction until 1928 and was completed in 1954.
The following video was a favorite of my children growing up, and still is to this day. While you can watch it on YouTube, I encourage everyone to purchase it. Click HERE for purchase.
What was the Miracle of the Sun which occurred at Fatima on October 13, 1917? Well, on the day of the last apparition of Our Lady of Fatima she presented a miracle - which was witnessed by thousands of people in attendance... "the Sun danced!" It moved around in the sky and appeared to fall to earth, and when it returned to its place in the sky the ground, which had been drenched by rain, was completely dry! A cute little video my children grew up with can be seen here:
Now, even though you can watch it online for free - I encourage you to purchase a copy to support the making of films like these for our children. You can purchase it here:
Today, October 13th, is the anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun or "The Day the Sun Danced." If you have children, I encourage you to gather them around your computer and watch the video together and discuss it with them. A great family moment, and when you're done- pray the Rosary with them.
Rome claims the Third Secret has been revealed. They even got Sr. Lucia to state the Third Secret had been revealed, so why is there still a controversy?
Well, the controversy began when Pope John XXIII refused to read the Secret in 1960, as had been "ordered" by Our Lady in the authenticated apparitions of Fatima from 1917. Not only did he refuse to reveal the Secret at that time, he refused to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Again, back to Sr. Lucia, she stated that in 1984 when Pope St. John Paul II had consecrated the whole world, including Russia, to the Immaculate Heart - that this sufficed. Those who maintain there is still a controversy would say a couple things here, 1) it did not happen when Our Lady requested it to happen and 2) Sr. Lucia, though given the privilege to the 1917 apparitions, does not have the authority to state what Heaven would be satisfied by. That being said, Pope Pius XII in 1942 made a similar consecration, and again in 1952 he specifically mentions the "people of Russia" in a consecration/blessing. Pope Francis in 2013 also makes a similar blessing. If ANY of these would have sufficed, then why not the 1942 one?
An Era of Peace
After Russia is consecrated to the Immaculate Heart there is to be an era of world peace ushered in, and that simply has not happened. There have been wars and rumors of wars ever since World War I (at the end of which came the Fatima apparitions). There has been no extended time of peace since that time, and especially not since the consecrations which supposedly sufficed, took place.
What Was To Happen?
Well, IF the consecration took place, there would be an age/era of world peace. IF the consecration did NOT take place then "the errors of Russia would spread throughout the world." What is the chief "error" of Russia? Beyond the political aspect of Communism, it is also Atheistic Materialism. Materialism, in short, believes "if you can't see it, it doesn't exist." Therefore since God cannot be "seen" - God does not exist in the purest form of Russian Communism. More and more our world is slipping into this heresy of Materialism. Every now and then world leaders give some lip-service to God, but when push comes to shove, virtually every one of them are Materialists. This is clear evidence that Our Lady's prophecy IS coming true! The errors of Russia ARE spreading, one could even say HAVE spread, throughout the world.
It is the belief of this writer that it is too late to a) fully reveal the secret or b) consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These were to happen by 1960, and didn't. I could be, and would love to be, proven wrong about the consecration of Russia, if this were to be done specifically as Our Lady requested, and not watered down, then perhaps it could still usher in an era of world peace. However, even if this were to happen, it would not be long lasting - perhaps 40 years at best - for such an era would almost inevitably bring upon the next age, the age of the Antichrist.
What Are We To Do?
Our Lady of Fatima appeared with the Rosary in hand and commanded that we recite the Rosary, every day! Our Lady of Mt. Carmel gave us the Brown Scapular, and we must wear the Brown Scapular as a shield and reminder of our faith. We must pray the Rosary as our sword in this fight against Materialism and be counted among the faithful who do not and cannot deny Our Lady and the graces poured forth from her by her Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We must strive to be part of that "remnant" of faithful followers. Regardless if you believe the Third Secret has been fully revealed (some say there were two documents, one more complete than the other and the lesser one was revealed, not the full one) and/or that the consecration of Russia was done - we must continue to pray the Rosary and wear the Brown Scapular.
Here is a video my wife found and has shared with family and I now share with you: