Miracle of the Sun at Fatima

The Day The Sun Danced
The miracle at Fatima, Portugal, 1917.

Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta.
In 1917, the world was embroiled in World War I and three small, illiterate children witnessed first an apparition of an angel - and then of our Lady, who identified herself as the Immaculate Conception.  The first apparition of Our Lady was on May 13, 1917 - and she visited them on the 13th of each month for the next 6 months.   The matter drew a lot of curiosity seekers and pilgrims hoping to see something, or at least be there while "it" was happening.  Prior to the October visit Lucia told the bishop that "the Lady" would give a sign.  Well, word got out of this prophesied sign and on October 13, 1917 over 70,000 people showed up!  They were not disappointed!  

First off, it had been raining, heavily, all day up to the time of the apparition, then the sun came out.  Instantly the ground was dry.  Then the people looked at the sun, and they could do so without pain or hurting their eyes,  Suddenly the sun seemed to grow, or move closer to them and it "danced" in the sky.  It is reported that even previously non-believers fell to their knees and begged Our Lord forgiveness.

The photos below show the crowds of people at Fatima, the first two showing them looking at the Miracle of the Sun.

The following picture is of the site of the apparitions, but it is likely from some time after 1954.  The reason for dating it post 1954 is that basilica did not begin construction until 1928 and was completed in 1954.
The following video was a favorite of my children growing up, and still is to this day.  While you can watch it on YouTube, I encourage everyone to purchase it.  Click HERE for purchase.
Here's another video telling the story:

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