Showing posts with label Fr. Corapi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fr. Corapi. Show all posts

The Latest on Father Corapi - The Black Sheep Dog

Father Corapi, and I can't help still calling him that - for "once a priest, always a priest..." still lingers in my head, appears to be "moving on" from messages all about himself.  I consider that a good thing!  He seemed, in my humble opinion, to be too caught up in himself.  Now, I understand that he believes he was wronged and wanted to defend himself - but the problem was (and somewhat remains) that as a priest making such a public stance and contrary to his superiors... well, it was (and remains) scandalous.  

Anyway, I am a bit cautiously optimistic in his latest endeavor.... he's producing a series on abortion - which I'm certain any faithful Catholic will applaud.  I'm not so sure about the price tag, but now that he's "The Black Sheep Dog" and on his own, one can't blame him for trying to support himself.  Below is a video from RealCatholicTV talking about the Fr. Corapi situation:

Another video from October 2011 - not much more info... (added 3/18/2012)

Changing Face of Fr. Corapi

There has been a lot of scuttle about Fr. Corapi in recent months, especially the last couple weeks, but some have been noticing something about his appearance changing throughout the years.  Take a look yourself and see what you think...

I got this from: and you'll notice the date, this was back in October of 2010 that it was posted - months before the scandal broke recently.  That same sight makes another comparison - between Fr. Corapi and Anton LaVey (Satanist):

All I can say is... Wow.

Addendum July 9, 2011:
Or... maybe scarier yet...

James R. White of

Sorry, couldn't resist!  ;-)

You Cannot Have It Both Ways?

Well, "BloggerPriest" does give good advice - "Sheep Beware" - but I still have to say it's too early to openly criticize Fr. Corapi - yes, it is STILL "FR" Corapi - he's still a priest, he's just not publicly serving as such.   Fr. Jenkins (BloggerPriest) presents a caring position, but one which is still quite critical.  Let us just pray for Fr. Corapi - and pray for God's Will to be done in his life.

Father Corapi Black Sheep Dog

EWTN Raymond Arroyo interviews National Catholic Register reporter, Joan Frawley Desmond regarding the Fr. Corapi scandal.

One point clarified is that, as Fr. Corapi stated himself, "Once a priest, always a priest."  Fr. Corapi is STILL A PRIEST!  He has NOT left the priesthood!  What he HAS left is serving as a PUBLIC priest.  It is a very complex legal and spiritual web which has been weaved here - and we must be careful not to be caught up in it with improper information and especially with improper motives.

Anyway, here is the video from EWTN...

If you have charitable thoughts to contribute, I invite you to do so by adding comments here...

The Black Sheep Dog

After just about exactly 20 years as a well respected Catholic priest and frequent speaker/host on Catholic radio and TV, Fr. Corapi is withdrawing from the public ministry as a priest.  He said he will continue as a "Black Sheep Dog" - but not as a priest.  He claims the allegations against him are false andalso claims the system of clearing one's name is nearly insurmountable.  According to NCR (see link below) the allegations were made by a former employee of Santa Cruz Media - as she left she signed a contract not to speak of anything which happened at Santa Cruz Media and it is alleged Fr. Corapi paid her, he is now suing her for breach of contract - and this suit has complicated the investigation.

There's more here: 

In my humble opinion...  something just doesn't sound right here.  I am one who will take a "wait and see" attitude.  I would have hoped though, if Fr. Corapi is innocent of these charges, that he would do whatever it takes, persevere through whatever trials face him - and clear his name.  To just leave casts some doubt, in my mind at least - but I know not the details and I am not his judge.


Fr. Corapi's Own Words:

Feast of the Assumption

 The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - another example of "not-so-ordinary" days! These are COUNTING days - and...