Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts

Science Has Discovered God!

Science has discovered God?  Is this true?  Can it be true?  Is Atheism debunked by the science they embraced for so long?   Before you just dismiss the notion, I urge you to watch the following and then comment:

Then there's this one...  it's quite a bit longer, and I suspect similar in nature to "The Principle" which was produced by Dr. Robert Sungenis (and is seeing limited release in theaters around the country).  I have not seen "The Principle" yet, so this is pure speculation on my part at this time, but check this one out:

And here's another one, not as long as the one above -

Part 2 of the previous:

The Principle - October 10 - Chicago

Well, back in June it was announced that The Principle would be released on September 19th - two days ago (as of this posting).  I had not heard of any big release, so I checked their website/blog.  It is being released on October 10th in Chicago.  If it does well in that market, it will go to others - and if not, then the DVD FOD release will follow, perhaps by Q1 of 2015.  Chicago is not a tiny market, but I'm sure Sungenis and DeLano were hoping for something much bigger.  Allegedly they are being attacked and even blocked by some in the science community - the claim is "they" don't want this released at all.  

It does make one wonder, if indeed there is an effort to "block" the release... why?  One would THINK that "science" would invite the release and then let it stand or fall on its own merits.  So... we wait and see, just a bit longer now.

I would love to be in Chicago and write my own review of the release, but I do not see how that will be possible.  Maybe they can send me a pre-release copy?  I would be happy to provide a Catholic commentary on the movie.

The Principle... will open theatrically in Chicago October 10. We will go as far as the audience takes us, theatrically speaking, and we have a few surprises up our sleeve in terms of the media coverage lavished upon us earlier this year ;-)
In any event, the film will be available via DVD and VOD after out theatrical run, probably Q1 or Q2 2015.
I am looking forward to this... mostly out of curiosity, but I would like to see and examine the theological and scientific claims myself.

An Anglican archbishop has endorsed the movie (see blog article) as well as an Episcopalian archbishop (see article here).  These are Catholics producing this movie, I'd like to see some Catholic endorsements!  

Open Letter to Prof. Hawking

(I started this over a month ago and let it fall by the wayside... I thought I'd finish it and post it...)
In an interview with The Guardian (a U.K. newspaper)

It's one thing to reject a belief in God (or a god), which is something you have not always done, but quite another to resort to childish ridicule over those who do have faith in God (or a god).  Equating persons of faith to those who are "afraid of the dark" was a low-blow, and Prof. Hawking - you should apologize.

Has Prof. Hawking always espoused an atheistic opinion?  Let the reader decide:

On one hand, God is a gambler - leaving things to chance:

“All the evidence shows that God was actually quite a gambler, and the universe is a great casino, where dice are thrown, and roulette wheels spin on every occasion”

On the other hand, "science" has been having a gradual realization that things do NOT happen in an arbitrary/by chance manner. 
“The whole history of science has been the gradual realization that events do not happen in an arbitrary manner, but that they reflect a certain underlying order, which may or may not be divinely inspired.”

So in the latter comment he does not deny that God COULD be in charge of this "order" seems to be quite the denial of the former comment, that God is a gambler.  Either way, it these are not affirmations of God's existence - nor acclamations of His non-existence - but are a recognition of the possibility of God's existence.

The bottom line is, once a "scientist" goes "dogmatic" and declares that those of faith are "afraid of the dark" or "believing in fairy tales" - then he himself loses scientific credibility.  Matters of faith are not necessarily provable or non-provable - that's why there's FAITH involved here!  Just because something requires some amount of faith to accept it does NOT automatically mean it is not true.  If Hawking stands by his statement that science is realizing a certain underlying "order" - then whom does he assume put this order to these things?  Does "order" have an author?  Does Dr. Hawking believe in "chaos" or "order?"

Feast of the Assumption

 The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - another example of "not-so-ordinary" days! These are COUNTING days - and...