The Day the Sun Danced

What was the Miracle of the Sun which occurred at Fatima on October 13, 1917?   Well, on the day of the last apparition of Our Lady of Fatima she presented a miracle - which was witnessed by thousands of people in attendance...  "the Sun danced!"  It moved around in the sky and appeared to fall to earth, and when it returned to its place in the sky the ground, which had been drenched by rain, was completely dry!

A cute little video my children grew up with can be seen here:

The Day the Sun Danced - The True Story of Fatima by aimal_osmani91

Now, even though you can watch it online for free - I encourage you to purchase a copy to support the making of films like these for our children.  You can purchase it here:

Today, October 13th, is the anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun or "The Day the Sun Danced."  If you have children, I encourage you to gather them around your computer and watch the video together and discuss it with them.  A great family moment, and when you're done- pray the Rosary with them.


1 comment:

  1. I have that and many more of the CCC titles on VHS. I need to get the DVD versions as I no longer have a VHS player. Love them. All my kids watched them except my youngest. He has only seen "Patrick: Brave Shepherd of the Emerald Isle" and "Nicholas: the Boy who Became Santa Claus" because they had them at our archdiocesan library. They are lovely movies for young ones.


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