Synod on the Family Our Preliminary Report

Well, I just read through the document myself and while there are some good points, there are some points which are cause for concern.  I wish to review it more thoroughly before adding more of my own comments.  In the mean time, I am considering what others have to say as well.  Feel free to add comments to this posting and suggestions of other articles.

Original (unofficial translation) of the Synod summary or "relatio."

Polish bishops reject the "relatio" document.

Another report of the Polish bishops (Pope St. John Paul II's homeland) rejecting the "relatio" document.

Pro-Family Catholics reject the Synod half-way through - calling it a betrayal.

The Church is not changing its stand or teaching on homosexuality - it is reiterating that we are welcoming to all, regardless of where they are in their walk. 

Relatio Synod reports the Church must renew commitment to the family.

1 comment:

  1. It seems this initial document has been rejected by the more conservative/traditional bishops in attendance at the Synod and they have prompted an amended document (which I have not yet seen). English speaking bishops requesting major changes to the "Relatio" report:


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