Fifth Night of Chanukah

Tonight I wished to describe why there are nine candles for the eight days of Chanukah, and I came across the Jewish Path website which puts forth a brief explanation:

Tonight is the fifth night of Chanukah. We light five candles and say two Blessings after dark. This is Erev Yom Reshon {29-09-5768}. First we light the server candle {The Shamis Candle} in the center to use as a lighter for our fifth, fourth, third, second and first candles.We light the fifth candle (that is the fifth candle from the right, not including the Shamis candle) then we light the fourth, third, second and first candles afterwards.

And the blessings for the fifth night are:

First Blessing over the lighting of the candle...

Blessed are you O L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us through His commandments and commanded us to kindle the Chanukah lights.

Second Blessing in remerance of the miracles...

Blessed are you O L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, who brought miracles for our ancestors, in those days at this time {of year}.


A Little Fun

Those who have been following the Qui Locutus (formerly CathApol) blog know that I like to campaign for Keeping Christ in Christmas and Keeping Mass in ChristMass, and I could not resist when I saw this for keeping the Han in Hannukah!

And here is one of mine:

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