Scripture of the Week

From my professor:

 Here is some scripture for motivation this week!

"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong." -1 Corinthians 16:13

I reply:

With this Sunday being Pentecost Sunday, we are reminded of the Holy Ghost descending upon the Apostles, filling them with the courage to speak to the crowds whom they had previously been hiding from. When we stand firm in the faith, we have security in knowing the Holy Ghost is with us too, so we need to be courageous and strong, as St. Paul encourages us.

Thank you for this verse and the encouragement to remain courageous and strong!

As we reflect upon how we spent our Eastertide, now that it is drawing to a close, ponder on what we accomplished, and what we could have done better so that we can be better prepared for next Eastertide. Some of that preparation we need to incorporate into our daily walk as we go into ordinal time. It is all part of the process of becoming more Christlike - or saints.

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