Mystic Monk Coffee - Say No to Starbucks!

More reasons to by Mystic Monk Coffee and to shun Starbucks

So, Starbucks has a concert supposedly to honor veterans.  They invite people to perform whom they knew would do an anti-war song from era when vets were scorned and they invited a rapper whose lack of class is demonstrated through the foulness of his language… during a televised event that families and children could watch.
Starbucks, in addition, also has a commercial featuring a cross-dresser in an effort to mainstream, even more, open perversion.
Buy Mystic Monk Coffee.
Help the Wyoming Carmelites build their new monastery.
They have their Thanksgiving Blend (ground) right now.  In K-Cups too!
Their Christmas Blend is available.
Mystic Monk Coffee!
It’s swell!

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