TBN Founder, Paul Crouch, Dies

Paul Crouch, along with his wife, Jan, founded TBN back in 1973.  One of their first branches out from their home-base in California was in Phoenix, Arizona.  "Channel 21" on UHF was a favorite channel for me to watch back then (I was a Protestant until 1988).  I liked most of the programming on their channel, though some of the programs were a bit far-fetched, and even seemed fraudulent in their alleged "healing" services.  But watching Praise the Lord with Paul and Jan was always a favorite for me.

As I entered into adulthood in the late 70's and early 80's, I even financially supported their ministry.  After hearing about people like Jim Bakker, etc. who squandered money and lived a lavish life-style - the Crouch family seemed to be a breath of fresh air.  After my conversion to Catholicism in 1988 I rarely watched them anymore and now with Paul's death I am reading about 13 mansions, private jets and even the cover-up of a sexual assault within the family.  I am saddened even more by this.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not surprised about the 13 mansions and the other stuff. All of these TV preachers become corrupted by the cash flow that comes their way. They may start out with good intentions, but eventually it's not "what can I do for God, but what can God do to for me." They answer to no one, so they can make their own rules.


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