Advent 2021 Nov 28th

Can you believe it? Advent is almost here! 2021 seems like a blur of 2020 with all the COVID issues across the globe - and sadly - it is still with us. I work in a hospital in north-central Arizona and while we are not seeing numbers of COVID hospitalizations over 200 (like we did in January-February of 2020) and it has been as low as getting into the 20s - this week we are back over 50 hospitalizations - and that doesn't count the cases being treated at home. But here we are again, approaching the Advent Season and the end of the liturgical year - the First Sunday in Advent marking the Liturgical New Year.

I like to remind everyone that Advent Season is NOT the Christmas Season too. Advent is a time of preparation and anticipation - even a time of penance - as we get ready for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Rather than waiting for Advent to begin this year, I thought I would start the discussion of various Advent traditions - and ask what YOU do with your family for Advent - so please comment below! 

Do you use an Advent wreath? Does yours have 4 or 5 candles? Do you go with the traditional 3 purple and 1 pink - and if 5, the 1 white candles?

How about Advent Calendars?

Or do you do the O Antiphons?

Please share your Advent traditions!

And remember, from the First Sunday of Advent (November 28th, this year) through Christmas Eve - the season is Advent - NOT - Christmas! Consider wishing friends and relatives a "Blessed Advent" in response to "Merry Christmas" this year! It can be an ice-breaker to get into a discussion of what the REAL meaning of Christmas and the Christ Mass. More to follow!

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