Quran Don't Burn It, Learn It!
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Feast of the Assumption
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http://www.americancatholictruthsociety.com/articles/translation_debate/ Mr. Barry Hofstetter and Mr. Scott Windsor engaging in a de...
I had a relative who became Muslim for a time. It was quite interesting to read a version of the Koran and try to reason with her about it. Not only did the Koran not support what she though Islam taught but she did not want to be confused by trying to research it. I believe Islam is an emotional faith, that is that people join it because it makes them feel good to worship the one, true God but not have to actually answer for Christian teachings on sin and repentance. I don't think many Americans know what is contained in the Koran. Even when you do read it, many muslims say it is the fault of the translation. The only true way is to read the Koran in Arabic. I, however, don't believe the inconsistencies of the Koran and subsequent teachings, can be account for merely by the translation.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, thanks for the humorous look at this inconsistency in their "book."
Well, that preacher got his 15 minutes of fame and will slip into the sea of insignificance. However, yes, perhaps his "flash in the pan" has provided us with more incentive to know the inconsistencies of Islam and their 'holy' book.