Hi All!
It's been a little while since my last update, but it's time now!
In July a colonoscopy found cancer in my colon.
August 11, I had surgery to remove 18 inches of my colon. He also took out 13 lymph nodes (and for good measure, my appendix!), one of the 13 lymph nodes showed cancer as well. Then came recovery from surgery.
Last week I got the results back from a CT of my chest, my lungs are clear of cancer! Previous CT of the abdomen, prior to surgery, showed the liver is clear of cancer too! If the cancer spread to other organs, the next place is usually the liver or the lungs.
October 5, I am scheduled to begin chemotherapy to remove any microscopic cancer cells which may remain. Chemo will be every 2 weeks for 12 sessions (6 months).
Your continued prayers are much appreciated!
In Christ,
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