Laetare Sunday - 4th Sunday of Lent
The Gospel reading includes the healing of a man born blind - who sees for the first time and pronounces his belief in the Son of Man - Jesus Christ. Let us all be joyful in seeing the Lord and not be afraid to witness to others, as the man healed of blindness did not fear standing before the Pharisees, even after they had rebuked him.
COVID-19 Considerations
Today, due to mandates to observe social distancing we were encouraged to watch the Mass on TV or on the Internet. Which I did. I watched a couple Masses actually, and I will not name them here in public but was a bit disturbed to see that people were standing (and sitting) right next to each other and at the Kiss of Peace they shook hands with each other, the second Mass I watched did not show the congregation, but the priest and deacon shook hands and embraced. At both Masses the Eucharist was given as the host only, the Precious Blood was reserved for the priest and deacon alone.
A third Mass I watched, celebrated by a bishop, the Kiss of Peace was not physically done at all, "The peace of the Lord be with you always..." and then he moved on with the Agnus Dei. This one did not show the distribution of the Eucharist at all.
Many bishops have already temporarily lifted the Sunday obligation - so check with your local diocese to see if you are among them.
God be with us in these trying times.
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I would add, while the Sunday Obligation to attend Mass has temporarily been lifted for many - the Scriptural precedent to "keep holy" this day has not (and cannot) be lifted. We are to set aside time, preferably with our family, to keep holy this day - be it through online or televised Mass, or an online prayer meeting (our family is gathering together tonight at 7pm MST for the Rosary).
ReplyDeleteBe strong and keep calm.