Tradition and Authority

Catholic states:
In your worldview if one has a different understanding even on eternal matters of truth as in matters of faith and/or doctrine then they are the ones who must be wrong.  That makes YOU the ultimate authority, the pillar and bulwark of the truth if you will.

Protestant replies:
1. The word of God is the authority but you rob the authority with your tradition don't you? Matt:15:6
2. The called out separated ones (ecclesia) is the pillar and base of the truth aren't they?  1 Tim. 3:15

Catholic answers:
About comment #1
First, the Word of God is not wholly contained in Scripture (John 21:25). 

Second, I would only be robbing the authority of the word of God with our traditions IF I went against the Word of God instead of what you (mis)understand the written Word of God to mean. 

Third, the final authority given to us by God in understanding the Word of God (whether written or oral) is not Scripture or your understanding of Scripture but the Church.

About comment #2
Unless the Church is visible, somewhere to go to settle issues between the called out separated ones then the collection of called out separated ones cannot determine with authority what is true in such a matter as to settle the issue.  Without an authoritative Church, the Church is useless in settling issues making Jesus' directives moot in Mat 18:15-18 and Paul's description of the Church as useless in 1 Tim 3:15.

Protestant replies:
your spirit is dead.


What do you do when someone answers your well-thought out replies with something like this?  Sometimes the best thing to do is to just let it go.  You’ve done your job.  You’ve planted the seeds.  Hopefully, with the help of God and your ongoing prayers those seeds will germinate and grow.

God Bless


  1. Well, clearly the person you were responding to ran out of answers and was only left with an unsubstantiated ad hominem. Yes, you did your part - now we pray for this individual and let God work in his/her heart.


    1. This person is quite anti-Catholic accusing the Catholic Church to be the Whore of Babylon and so forth. I don't expect any amount of evidence will ever convince of his error but these Yahoo!Groups posts are in the public domain therefore their is no telling who else might be anonymously reading these posts making my responses worth my time and effort.

    2. Those are my thoughts too, and why I will spend time answering the Atheist on the Catholic Debate Forum.


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