Did You Take Time To Know Me?

Last Sunday, where we heard the Gospel message about the Transfiguration, the sermon I heard was simply wonderful.  I was speaking to someone recently about the Transfiguration, and they thought I was talking about the bread and wine becoming the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ in the Eucharist.  While Fr. spoke on a variety of topics, the one which stood out for me the most was very catechetical.  Most who read this blog profess to be Christians, but what does that really mean?  What does it entail to call yourself a Christian? Do you know the difference between transubstantiation and the Transfiguration?  Is being a Christian something you "put on" on Sundays and "take off" Monday through Saturday?  How much time do you spend in building your relationship with Jesus Christ?  Many seem to have the attitude that while the "believe" in Jesus Christ, they don't want that to get in the way of their life and fun.  "Jesus is just alright with me," as sung by the Doobie Brothers, seems to sum it up - Jesus is "just alright."  He doesn't reign supreme in most of our lives.  How comfortable will you be, standing in front of the Judgment Seat when how much time you spent to know Him, love Him and serve Him is exposed and judged?  Get to know Him, because the more you know Him, the more you can love Him.

I am reminded of the simplicity and beauty of the Baltimore Catechism.
Q. 150. Why did God make you?
A. God made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in the next.
Q. 151. Why is it necessary to know God?
A. It is necessary to know God because without knowing Him we cannot love Him; and without loving Him we cannot be saved. We should know Him because He is infinitely true; love Him because He is infinitely beautiful; and serve Him because He is infinitely good.

I know that my children grew up with these questions and answers memorized, but now that they are grown - I am asking them (and I primarily write this article for THEM) do you love God?  What do you do to get to know Him better?  If you wish to be happy with Him forever in the next life, you have to get to know Him in this life, and love Him and serve Him.  What does that mean to you?  Can you do more?  I know I can.  We all must strive to continue to grow in Him, to know Him and love Him and serve Him.  If you don't have time for Him - how do you think that will fly when He's planning an eternity for you?   Giving God your time and worship shows how much you love Him.  Putting God FIRST in your life will result in all your other concerns working out (Matt. 6:33).  I ask myself the same questions - and I know the there is more I can do and I know there are times when I fail. 

If you're stuck in a rut, or routine - then you're not working on your relationship with God - or at least not working hard enough.  What more can you do?  What more can I do? 


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    1. So Mike, what is your purpose in posting here? To promote the heresy of denying Peter's valid successor? Someone else, another sede vacantist, posted here a few weeks ago, and I offered to engage her - she never responded. Are you too another "drive-by" or will you engage a direct challenge to what your site proposes?


    2. Mike never responded to my questions so I am assuming he's another "drive-by" and have deleted his comment (which was not related to this posting).



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