Pope Benedict Resigning!
For the first time in over 600 years a sitting pope is resigning from the Apostolic See. Pope Benedict, citing failing health, has decided to step down effective February 28, 2013. A conclave to elect the next pope is being set up for mid-March.
Sadly, his attempts to reunify SSPX and Orthodoxy will not be seen under his watch.
[I hope you don't mind Scott, I just wanted to add one more news feed from EWTN: http://www.ewtnnews.com/ Cathmom5]
I don't mind at all! Here's another link from their site...
Fener Greek-Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew I has expressed his sadness over the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, saying the head of the Catholic Church had “built bridges.”
“I am really saddened by news of the resignation of the pope, who was doing his utmost to connect the Catholic and Orthodoxchurches and overcome differences,” Bartholomew told Turkish daily Posta on Feb. 11.
Bartholomew praised Benedict, describing him as “a highly influential figure in the Church, not only as a Pope but also as a theologian.”
“He was a person who could solve problems not only in religion, but also in the problems that we are facing today,” Bartholomew said, adding that he believed the pontiff would continue to be a prominent figure even after stepping down as pope. “He was an important reference to everyone. Thus, I believe he will continue to add value to the world with his research and articles,” he said.
“As the Fener Greek-Orthodox Patriarchate, we hope the new pope will also contribute to the fraternity between the Churches,” Bartholomew added.
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Jimmy Akin posts a nice blog entry regarding Pope Benedict's decision, check it out:
And earlier today, March 13, "habemus papam!" was declared in St. Peter's Square! Pope Francis, formerly Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina, was elected to be the 267th successor to St. Peter.