From Tonight's Compline

Today if you hear the voice of the Lord, harden not your hearts. (Ps. 95)


  1. Impossible. Only God hardens hearts, unilaterally.

  2. Do I detect a bit of sarcasm in that reply?

  3. I suppose with the recent discussions here with Calvinists that it could have been seen that I was still going on that theme, but in reality, I was just moved by the Psalm and it brought back memories of going to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel with my daughter - and the way they sang the responsorial Psalm still rings in my soul.  However, along the lines of the recent theme, that's a good question to ask of Calvinists - how would it be possible for US to harden our heart if God is the one who hardens?  
    A blessed Lent to you Nick.

  4.  And thus far, not a Calvinist has responded.


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