Prayers for Scott Hahn

Prayers for Dr. Scott Hahn, underwent emergency surgery for perforated bowel, his recent FB entry was:
Came out of successful two hour surgery with lots of gratitude and pain. Will be in hospital for next 3-5 days; 2-4 weeks in recovery. Your prayers are greatly appreciated. AMDG

UPDATE 1/26/2012:
Dr. Hahn is recovering well and has already returned to teaching!  Here is what he wrote on his Facebook page last night:
What a joy to launch my new course, The Theology of the New Evangelization, on the Feast of the Conversion of St Paul. Two hours and forty minutes never went by so fast. I got to re-discover what St Paul taught and lived so well: "My grace is sufficient for you." One week ago it didn't seem possible.
Praise the Lord!  


  1. Dr. Hahn is recovering well, click here for a picture of him recovering in his hospital room.

    Godspeed Dr. Hahn, you remain in our prayers!

    In JMJ,

  2. Steve Ray wrote:
    Good news is that the 18 inches removed was actually from his small intestine, not his colon. This is good news and much less of a problem long term.

  3. Dr Hahn's "Rome Sweet Home" helped me come into the Catholic church many years ago. I'll pray for him.


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