Can Romney Win?

With Romney being a Mormon, do you think he could gain enough votes to actually win?  It's fairly common knowledge that one cannot win the presidency without winning the South.  With the South being so heavy with Southern Baptists and other Fundamentalists, does a Mormon really stand a chance of winning? 

Objectively, and secularly, I think Romney would make a very good president, I just think he has a huge gorilla on his back.

That being said, similar things were said about John F. Kennedy, a Catholic, and many didn't think he'd stand a chance of winning, especially in the South.  That is likely why Lyndon B. Johnson, a Southerner, was selected as Kennedy's running mate. 

Your thoughts?  Feel free to add a comment.

1 comment:

  1. As a Southerner I expect fellow conservatives will vote for the Republican nominee regardless of who it is.


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