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Feast of the Assumption
The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - another example of "not-so-ordinary" days! These are COUNTING days - and...
This is a continuing discussion from http://cathapol.blogspot.com/2010/01/pope-working-toward-unity-with-eo.html >> sw: "Um, t...
In a recent post from Alan/Rhology on Beggars All , he said: >> sw: So you're confirming (again) that your local >> churc...
Is Sola Scriptura Self Refuting? So goes the title of an article by Steve Hays on Triablogue. The real problem with defining sola scrip...
An interesting spin was put on this one here: http://lehislibrary.wordpress.com/2010/11/05/eisegesis-problem/
ReplyDeleteI find it a bit ironic that a group which believes some guy received golden plates and magic glasses to read those plates and base their religion on what he wrote from them; plus believes "as we are, God once was; as God is we shall become" (King Follett Discourse)... thinks others have an "eisegesis problem!"
Just to let you know, if you follow the link you go to a completely different page. You must click on "eisegesis problem" in the right column to get to the picture.
ReplyDeleteI do find it ironic. I love their commercials and admire their passion. However, they do have a tendency toward the ficticious.
I also found it funny that he said he made it, but got the "idea" from you. At least he gave you some credit.
I have posted a response to the Mormon who adapted the "sola scriptura problem" to be an "eisegesis problem." That post is on the Wordpress version of CathApol...
I believe it is an honest and respectful question. I also posted it as a comment to his blog, but the last post I tried comment on there was not posted, at least not yet (perhaps he doesn't check very often?).
PS- I have been "importing" this blog to the Wordpress version - but I may let that one take on it's own identity and link it to here.