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James Swan writes:
ReplyDelete>> sw: White is really in a
>> no-win situation, which is
>> why, I believe, he will not
>> respond to the errors.
> JS: I've made the mp3 available
> to listen to as well.
sw: It is on my site as well.
> JS: I had no idea who you were
> when I listened to it live all
> those years back, but I do
> recall you didn't do all that
> well.
sw: My own personal assessment is that I didn't "win" the live debate, per se, but I did hold my own. I've dealt with White hundreds, if not thousands of times in written media - that was my first "live" debate, and I felt as though I did hold my own, especially when questioned on-topic (some of the callers were way off on other subjects). I was also prepared to do more of a Eucharist discussion of John 6, the Calvinist/Predestination aspects, as he interprets them, I did not prepare for - yet even there, I answered quickly and again, held my own. That is a victory of sorts in and of itself, since I was up against one who had already performed in many live debates by that time. I have no problem saying that White is good in a face-to-face live debate; it's a bit different when his opponent has time to check sources and do a little research to respond to him. I have never "lost" to him in a written debate.
> JS: If you did in fact prove Dr.
> White wrong 25 times, then it's
> time for you to do a live
> in-person with debate with Dr.
> White. In fact, if you're free
> in August, I think Chris Arnzen
> would love to hear from you.
sw: 1) I prefer NOT to do live debates. They may prove who is a better debater - but the the truth doesn't necessarily prevail, just because someone is tactful in a live debate.
2) I don't have much planned for August, except the weekend of the 6th through the 8th, I'll be out of town - but I doubt White would be interested either.
> JS: Madrid, Staples, Hahn,
> Keating, etc. don't seem to be
> in business any more to confront
> Dr. White in-person.
sw: I don't know about the rest of them, but Dr. Hahn has never been "in the business" to debate White.