Easter Duty 2010 Last Chance!

Well, this coming Sunday is Pentecost Sunday!  This is your last chance to fulfill your "Easter Duty" if you have not done so already.   A reminder:
CCC 2042 The first precept ("You shall attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation and rest from servile labor") requires the faithful to sanctify the day commemorating the Resurrection of the Lord as well as the principal liturgical feasts honoring the Mysteries of the Lord, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the saints; in the first place, by participating in the Eucharistic celebration, in which the Christian community is gathered, and by resting from those works and activities which could impede such a sanctification of these days. The second precept ("You shall confess your sins at least once a year") ensures preparation for the Eucharist by the reception of the sacrament of reconciliation, which continues Baptism's work of conversion and forgiveness.
The third precept ("You shall receive the sacrament of the Eucharist at least during the Easter season") guarantees as a minimum the reception of the Lord's Body and Blood in connection with the Paschal feasts, the origin and center of the Christian liturgy.
Catechism of the Catholic Church 2042
Can. 920 §1. After being initiated into the Most Holy Eucharist, each of the faithful is obliged to receive holy communion at least once a year.
§2. This precept must be fulfilled during the Easter season unless it is fulfilled for a just cause at another time during the year.
Code of Canon Law 920
So with the Easter Season drawing to a close, it's time to get yourself to the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Penance/Confession), preferably PRIOR to Pentecost Sunday and reception of the Eucharist before or on Pentecost Sunday - THIS Sunday!

I pray your Eastertide has been fruitful, blessed and productive for the Lord. 


See also: http://cathapol.blogspot.com/2009/03/easter-duty.html

1 comment:

  1. Confession's like giving blood: the anticipation is worse than the thing itself, and you feel great when you're done.


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