Second Sunday in Advent


The 2nd Sunday of Advent

Prepare ye the way of the Lord! 
During the Season of Advent, like Lent, but with less intensity, we should be doing penance to remind ourselves of the "Reason for the Season," which, of course is Jesus Christ who became incarnate by the Holy Ghost through the Blessed Virgin Mary. Keeping in mind that the Incarnation is not just His conception and/or birth, but also His life, death, and resurrection!

On the Second Sunday of Advent, we light the second purple candle and as we do, it is customary to read the Collect of the day (see picture above).
Remember also, this is NOT the Christmas Season! Christmas starts with the First Mass of Christmas (typically "Midnight Mass"). Right now we celebrate our holy days BEFORE Christmas. One coming up on December 6th is the Feast of St. Nicholas, from where the legend of Santa Claus arises - more on that on December 6th. Two days later we celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8th.

So, Happy Holy Days!

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