Round 5 - On Hold!

Well, Round 5 of chemotherapy was to begin on 11/30 and conclude today - but on 11/29 I was put back into the hospital! This time with multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli (blood clots in both lungs). On 11/28 while I could breath - no matter how deeply I breathed I felt like I was suffocating! I called in sick for work that day and put myself on oxygen - and started feeling better. On 11/29 my cardiologist called me back (I had left him a message on the 28th) and had me come into his office for an echocardiogram - and that showed my heart was slightly enlarged on the right side, like it was being overworked, so he told me to go straight to the emergency room and get a CT and "don't plan on going home, I believe you have a pulmonary embolism."

As it turned out, it wasn't just "A" pulmonary embolism, but several and in both lungs. As my cardiologist suspected, I was admitted into the hospital and put on a Heparin drip. By Friday (12/2) I was on an oral blood thinner and by late that afternoon - I was sent home. I am still using oxygen a little, but it is getting much better.

I have a message in to my oncologist about when to start back on chemo. Round 6 is scheduled for next 12/14 - so he may decide to just hold off until then. I await his call to let me know.


1 comment:

  1. I go to oncology tomorrow and see the Nurse Practioner, she may decide to give me "Round 5" tomorrow - or just hold off until when "Round 6" is scheduled (which is just next week).


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