Ecumenical Councils of the Catholic Church
The fact the Church met in councils, right from the very beginning - the first one being the Council at Jerusalem, recorded in Acts 15 (took place about 50 AD), and these councils have continued in the Church right up into the modern era - this is a testimony of the trueness of the Catholic Church - which no other church can even come close to (exception, the Orthodox, who were part of the first ecumenical councils of the Church all the way up to 1054 AD).
Year: 325
Year: 381
Seventh Ecumenical Council - Nice II
Year: 787
Eighth Ecumenical Council - Constantinople IV
Year: 869
Ninth Ecumenical Council - Lateran Council I
Year: 1123
Tenth Ecumenical Council - Lateran Council II
Year: 1139
Eleventh Ecumenical Council - Lateran Council III
Year: 1179
Twelfth Ecumenical Council - Lateran Council IV
Year: 1215
Year: 787
Eighth Ecumenical Council - Constantinople IV
Year: 869
Ninth Ecumenical Council - Lateran Council I
Year: 1123
Tenth Ecumenical Council - Lateran Council II
Year: 1139
Eleventh Ecumenical Council - Lateran Council III
Year: 1179
Twelfth Ecumenical Council - Lateran Council IV
Year: 1215
Thirteenth Ecumenical Council - First Council of Lyons
Year: 1245
Fourteenth Ecumenical Council - Second Coucil of Lyons
Year: 1274
Fifteenth Ecumenical Council Council of Vienne
Years: 1311-1313
Sixteenth Ecumenical Council - Constance
Years: 1414-1418
Seventeenth Ecumenical Council:
Basel - 1431-37
Ferrara/Florence - 1438-45
Eighteenth Ecumenical Council - LATERAN COUNCIL V
Years: 1512-1517
Years: 1545-1563
Twentieth Ecumenical Council - Vatican I
Years: 1869-1870
Twenty First Ecumenical Council - Vatican II
Years: 1962-1965
Non-Ecumenical Councils/Synods
The Council of Trullo - at Constantinople (Orthodox)
Year: 692
Decrees of the Eastern Orthodox Synod of Jerusalem
Year: 1672
(More to come)
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