O Antiphons - Dec 22 - Rex Gentium

 December 22, O Rex Gentium

Today is Day 6 of the Great Antiphons, or O Antiphons (they all start with "O"), and it is O Rex Gentium - O King of the Gentiles! Jesus was born not just for the Jewish people, but for ALL people! Six ornaments on our Jesse Tree, only one more to go before the Eve of the Christ Mass!

Here is a video of the Latin chant from the Extraordinary Rite of Vespers for today:


And here is today's verse in the song O Come, O Come Emmanuel:

O come, Desire of nations, bind
All peoples in one heart and mind;
Bid envy, strife and quarrels cease;
Fill the whole world with heaven’s peace.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.

A Blessed Advent to you and Happy Holy Days! Remember, it's NOT Christmas until the Christ Mass is celebrated on the First Mass of Christmas!

Keep Christ in Christmas by keeping Mass in Christmas!

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