Fourth Sunday of Lent Laetare Sunday


We're halfway through Lent! How are you doing? Have you been able to keep up with your lenten penance (what you gave up for Lent or what you're offering up for Lent, such as a consistent act of charity)?  It's not too late!  It's never too late to offer something up in union with the suffering and Passion of our Lord! THAT is why we do it! When we would have partaken in that which we have offered up, it gives us the opportunity to recall the 40 days Jesus fasted in the desert and then His Passion of Holy Week. Keep in mind, Sunday, especially Laetare Sunday, is not a day of penance - so you do not have to offer up your penance on Sundays. Lent is 40 days, starting on Ash Wednesday, but strictly by the calendar, there are more than 40 days till Easter - UNLESS - you don't count the Sundays - then it works out to exactly 40 days!

Remember too - the vestments for today are NOT PINK! They are "rose."  One way I use to help remember this is "Jesus didn't pink from the dead, He ROSE from the dead!" 

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