Ordinal Time is Anything BUT Ordinary!
Solemnities of the Catholic Church this year:
- Sunday, June 12, 2022 – The Most Holy Trinity, Solemnity
- Thursday, June 16, 2022 – Corpus Christi, Solemnity
- Friday, June 24, 2022 – The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Solemnity; The Nativity of St. John the Baptist, Solemnity
- Wednesday, June 29, 2022 – Saints Peter and Paul, Solemnity
- Monday, August 15, 2022 – The Assumption of Mary, Solemnity
- Wednesday, November 2, 2022 – All Souls’ Day
- Sunday, November 20, 2022 – Solemnity of Christ the King
Then there are important Feast Days:
- Thursday, June 23, 2022 - Nativity of St. John the Baptist (Joined to the Most Sacred Heart solemnity)
- Saturday, August 6, 2022 - The Transfiguration of the Lord
- Monday, August 22, 2022 - The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Wednesday, September 14, 2022 - The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
- Thursday, September 15, 2022 - Our Lady of Sorrows
- Friday, October 7, 2022 - Our Lady of the Rosary
- Tuesday, November 1, 2022 - All Saints Day
- Monday, November 21, 2022 - The Presentation of the Virgin Mary
Now, these are just the solemnities and important feast days - this list does not include all the memorials to Saints throughout this Ordinal Time. So, you can see we have plenty of beyond-ordinary celebrations during the Season After Pentecost - or Ordinal Time - and this is why it is argued that we should stop calling this period (and the Season After Epiphany too) "Ordinary Time" - for as has been said many times now, this season is ANYTHING BUT ORDINARY!
Yes, these are "counting weeks," hence the name "ordinal" is used, for "ordinal" refers to order, or a counted period of time - such as the weeks after Pentecost. And yes, "ordinary" comes from the same root, but in modern English usage, "ordinary" refers to something common, or nothing special - when there are plenty of special celebrations during Ordinal Time!
If you agree, click on the "SHARE" buttons below and help spread the word and perhaps if enough of us are talking about it, we can see a return to calling these "counting weeks" as "Ordinal Time."
#Ordinal #OrdinaryTime #extraordinary
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