Sexagesima Sunday


Sexagesima Sunday

In today's gospel it is the Parable of the Sower - Luke 8:4-15 - God's Word is compared to the seed. Some seed falls along the wayside, some upon rocky soil, some among thorns - very little falls on good soil. The different types of soil represent the different types of people who hear the Word of God. Those who are like the wayside are easily distracted, and when others come to take them away, they go. Those who are like the rocky soil, hear the Word of God, but as it starts to grow - it does not take root, withers and dies away. Those who are like the soil with thorns, the seeds take root, but as they begin to grow they are choked out - this would be like having friends and associates who take you away from the Word of God. Those who are like the good soil, hear the Word of God, it takes root and flourishes in their soul.

A Word From Father

In today's sermon, Father taught that Lent is not just about giving something up - it is about making one's self into a saint. Doing some form of penance is nice - but even better would be to start a good habit, such as a corporal act of mercy. 

The seven corporal acts of mercy: to feed the hungry, to give drink to the thirsty, to clothe the naked, to give shelter to travelers, to visit the sick, to visit the imprisoned, and to bury the dead - as represented in the following painting:

Develop a habit this Lent, then next year start another good habit - and you are working your way to sainthood! In essence, the taking on of a good habit helps to cultivate your "soil" so that the Word of God can flourish within you.

Blessings on your preparations for Lent!



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