He Is Risen!

He is risen!  

He is risen indeed!

In the Ukrainian (my wife and I were married in the Ukrainian Catholic Church) this is stated:

Khrystos voskres!

And the response is:

Voistynu voskres!

It is now Eastertide! 

The stone is rolled away!

We begin this season with the First Mass of Easter (about half-way through the Easter Vigil) and it lasts through Pentecost Sunday, which begins the next (and longest) season in the liturgical year.

A reminder to Catholics: One of the precepts of the Catholic Faith is every Catholic must receive Holy Eucharist at least once during Eastertide. We commonly call this precept our "Easter Duty." This will typically be preceded by participating in the Sacrament of Penance (aka: Reconciliation or Confession). This is not to be confused with another precept, that of the so-called "Sunday obligation," wherein every Catholic is obliged to participate in the Mass every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation. While attending Mass is required, every Sunday, reception of the Eucharist is not mandatory every Sunday.

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