December 17 - The first day of the O Antiphons!
O Sapientia - or O Wisdom marks today.
In our house we setup a "Jesse Tree" and hang an "O" ornament each night.
With the hanging of each ornament - we recite or sing the related verse from "O Come, O Come Emanuel"
From Wikipedia:
The first letters of the titles, from last to first, appear to form a Latin acrostic
which translates to "Tomorrow, I will be [there]", mirroring the theme
of the antiphons. Father Saunders wrote, "According to Professor Robert Greenberg of the San Francisco Conservatory of Music,
the Benedictine monks arranged these antiphons with a definite purpose.
If one starts with the last title and takes the first letter of each
one - Emmanuel, Rex, Oriens, Clavis, Radix, Adonai, Sapientia - the Latin words ero cras
are formed, meaning, "Tomorrow, I will come". Therefore, the Lord
Jesus, whose coming we have prepared for in Advent and whom we have
addressed in these seven Messianic titles, now speaks to us, Tomorrow, I
will come. So the O Antiphons not only bring intensity to our Advent
preparation, but bring it to a joyful conclusion.
Sing with your family:
O come, o come, Emmanuel,
And ransom captive Israel,
That mourns in lonely exile here,
Until the Son of God appear.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel!
O come, O Wisdom from on high,
who orders all things mightily,
to us the path of knowledge show,
and teach us in her ways to go.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel!
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