Third Sunday in Advent

Why the pink candle and vestments today?

Well, first of all - we refer to today's color as "rose."  One priest explained a way to remember this is to ask what Jesus did on Easter Sunday - did He "rise" or did He "pink." Obviously we say He "rose" from the dead, victorious over death - a joyous occasion!  That's the REAL meaning behind the rose colored candle and vestments.  Today is Guadete Sunday, or Joyful Sunday. We are joyful that Advent is nearly over and it will soon be the start of the Christmas Season!

Keep in mind, Advent is a penitent season, much like Lent. This is a season of meditation and making straight the way of the Lord in our lives.  Prepare ye the way of the Lord!

A song I fondly recall from my youth is "Rejoice in the Lord Always (and again I say Rejoice!), is taken straight from the readings of today's Mass, Philippians 4:4 - (click on video below)...

Tomorrow starts the final countdown to the end of Advent with the O Antiphons. The O Antiphons are actually sung through the Advent song of "O Come, O Come Emmanuel." See video below...

May your Advent Season draw to a glorious - and JOYFUL - close!!  It's almost time to ring in the Christ Mass!

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