Feast of Christ the King

What About the Feast of Christ the King? 
In my last entry on the Last Sunday After Pentecost, I did not mention the Feast of Christ the King.  In the "Ordinary Rite" or "Novus Ordo" the Last Sunday of the year is the Feast of Christ the King.  I typically participate in the Extraordinary Rite.  This feast is relatively new in the liturgical year, first being promulgated by Pope Pius XI in 1925 and per his encyclical quas primus, it is to be on the last Sunday of October - as it still is where the "Extraordinary Rite" or the "Traditional Latin Mass."  It was started in an answer to perhaps an over emphasis on nationalism - the Church wishing to remind the faithful that Jesus Christ is our King.  The feast was moved in 1970, coinciding with several Protestant celebrations (Anglicans, Lutherans and others using the "Revised Common Lectionary"). 

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