Catholic Voter's Guide

Catholic Voter’s Guide
1. a human being, whether man, woman, or child: The table seats four persons.
2. a human being as distinguished from an animal or a thing.
3. Sociology . an individual human being, especially with reference to his or her social relationships and behavioral patterns as conditioned by the culture.
4. Philosophy . a self-conscious or rational being.
5. the actual self or individual personality of a human being: You ought not to generalize, but to consider the person you are dealing with.

In trying to figure out who to vote for in any election it’s important to know where each candidate stands on the issues of the day. What they plan to do to help invigorate the economy, universal healthcare and what needs to be done about ongoing wars.
All of these, as well as others, are very important but to determine who is the one who better represents the people of the United States we need to figure out which subject has priority over all others. If both candidates agree about what we believe is most important then we are to look at the subject which has second highest priority and so on.

As concerned citizen, we are obligated to elect individuals who will look out for the lives of his constituents. Not only on the day-to-day issues but on life issues itself. Many individuals lose their lives in the fight against our country’s enemies and many also lose their lives when they are forcibly taken out from their mothers’ womb.

Both categories are important since both involve the loss of life but which one should be our priority when two candidates disagree on both issues? How are we to decide who to vote for when one candidate will fight to end a US war but will work to help facilitate easier abortions for all women while the other seems to want to continue armed hostilities abroad but will work to stop most abortions from being performed?

A couple of things to consider when deciding which issue should have priority. Although you may not agree with the necessity of troops in foreign wars, they at least have the means to defend themselves. They can either take cover, retreat or even shoot back. The baby in the womb can do none of those, and that’s why they are considered the most defenseless. A secondary thing to remember is the sheer number of casualties involved. For the entire Afghan war there is a total of over 3,000 deaths as of Sept 2012[1]. In fact, the sum of all U.S. soldier deaths from all wars in U.S. history (including the Civil War, World War I and II as well as the Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan wars) we have a total of a little over 1.3 million deaths[2].

A single death from an unnecessary war is one too many and if you are against war in general then one death during war is one too many. But if one compares the number of deaths from ALL U.S wars put together this number comes to about equal the amount of deaths performed by abortions in an average year! In fact, the once special research affiliate of the abortion chain Planned Parenthood gives us national statistics that show an annual abortion rate of 1.2 million abortions[3].
The total number of deaths by abortions in the U.S. alone since its legalization is now over 54 million. 54 million living human beings, persons, allowed to be killed simply because they were unborn at the time. Any right to choose, or any other right at all is superseded by the right to life since what’s the point of having all other rights if one doesn’t have life?

I’ll leave it to you to figure out what kind of a free democracy we really are when we allow for the killing of the most defenseless among us, of those not yet born. What good is freedom if some aren’t even allowed to live? Where is their choice? Choose wisely, vote in support of the possibility of choosing for all human beings especially in choosing life.




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