Dancing With Angels

I will be making my own video for my daughter, Julianne, who for 22 years was confined to a wheelchair and is now "Dancing With Angels."  My sister found this video on YouTube, and I had to share it with you all.

About 10pm Saturday evening my wife was sitting with my daughter and daughter was looking toward the ceiling with her eyes moving every which way...  my wife asked, "What are you looking at?"  Daughter responded, "I'm watching the angels!"  When asked what they looked like, she responded, "I don't know..."  

Eternal rest grant unto her, oh Lord.   May her soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in peace.


As I awoke this morning, this poem came to me...

Of the Judgment His Holy Word says no man shall know the hour,
But that time has come for our Little Flower.
Her life endured through many trials,
But to all who knew her, she provided smiles.
She saw the world from within her chair,
Now she’s dancing with angels - without a care.
We were given her for a time according to His plan,
God still watches over our Julianne.

This has been put on her marker:
She saw the world from within her chair,
Now she’s dancing with angels - without a care.

Dancing With Angels



  1. Scott,

    I am deeply sorry for your loss. I will pray for you and your family. My daughter is six and I don't know how I'd be able to get through the day if anything would happen to her.

    May the Lord lead you through this troubling time and may your daughter be lead into His open arms.


  2. Scott,

    I am so very very sorry to hear of the passing of your precious daughter. I am saddened at your loss.

  3. I am sorry beyond words and will pray for y'all.

  4. Beautiful poem for a beautiful soul. How appropriate a memorial. May the Lord bless you and keep you.


  5. Scott,

    Im sure words cannot describe what you must be going through. There are those of of us on this side of the Tiber that do indeed care about you, and feel very saddened by your loss.

  6. May the Lord grant you His peace during this horrible time.

  7. Scott, I'm praying for you and your family.

  8. Please accept my condolences regarding your loss.

  9. Scott, I'm sorry you lost your daughter, but you have the consolation that she entered into life eternal.

  10. My deep condolences.

    God bless you and your family Scott.

  11. I am taking a moment to thank all who have written me regarding the loss of my daughter. I wish to especially recognize those whom I have often been on the opposite side of the fence in debate. Not to diminish those with whom we are on the same side of the fence - I was just touched to see the outpouring from all of you.

    I also want to note, I have not been back to this posting since I posted it back in 2011. Reading this and watching the video has brought back happy memories of my daughter. So again, I thank you.



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