Prayer Request
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Feast of the Assumption
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I will pray for her tonight. I hope it is nothing too serious.
ReplyDeleteYou had two subsequent nonsense messages. I removed them (they're in "draft" if you want to see them). Hope that was okay.
Praying as soon as I get off...
God Bless...+JMJ+
Hi Cathmom5,
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking care of those posts which did not come through. So, here's the update I tried to post earlier:
Daughter was admitted to the hospital. Her heart rate is too high and her O2 sats are too low.
By the time we left the heart rate seemed to be better under control, but she's still on oxygen. She was given some medicine to help her sleep. We'll be going back first thing in the morning to meet with the doctor.
Right now he's suspecting pneumonia, but there was also mention of a lesion on one of her lungs.
I'll post more tomorrow once I know more.
Thank you for the prayers.
Well, we got to the hospital and daughter was barely breathing, pupils were pinpoint and fixed... she was basically in a coma. Immediately my wife (who is also an RN) got things moving. Daughter ended up getting intubated and moved to ICU. She's waking up now, but since she's intubated, they needed to give her something to settle her down again. Lab results are improving, but she's not out of the woods yet. She's in "stable but critical condition."
ReplyDeleteYour continued prayers are appreciated.
Things were a little better last night, her "numbers" improved throughout the day and they actually woke her and she was "back" (you could see it in her eyes that she was there again). She's still on the ventilator and we haven't quite found what caused all this - but it was remarkable improvement, and frankly, not expected - at least not so quickly.
ReplyDeleteThank you again for your continued prayers.
On my way back in to the hospital now... another long day ahead and more attempts to ween from the ventilator.
ReplyDeleteWell, she failed again today in trying to ween from the ventilator. Tomorrow is a different pulmonologist, maybe we'll have different expectations and blessings?
ReplyDeleteYour daughter is in my prayers. I have a little one too and can only imagine what you're going through. I'm praying for you.
The weekend didn't go much better... I'll make a new post with the "whole story." Long story, short, we didn't get a new pulmonologist over the weekend. (sigh)
ReplyDeleteWell, today was a much better day! We got her extubated! She did fine and has 2 liters of O2 via nasal cannula and is maintaining O2 saturation in the 90's.
ReplyDeleteShe's got one more evening in ICU, and depending on how that goes, we'll have to see where she goes next.
I do believe in miracles!
ReplyDeleteSo very sorry to hear of your little one taken ill. I have remembered her in my prayers, asking that the Lord will be pleased to restore her health.
ReplyDeleteI echo David's words. I've been following this blog post since you posted it, and you are in my prayers.
Thank you all very much. My daughter is making improvements - we got her into her wheelchair today, but she had a little panic attack. While the O2 levels were good, the CO2 levels had remained too high, so she's using a bipap machine now. She also isn't sleeping well, so we may have to medicate to get her to sleep. We're still in ICU.
ReplyDeleteDaughter was just reintubated.... (sigh) more details later... it's been a long day, and the night does not appeat to be getting any shorter.
ReplyDeleteShe has a bowel obstruction and while that surgery probably could be handled in my hometown, she has such a complicated history it was decided to send her to Phoenix for this, where specialists have been following her for years. She is on her way down there now, I'm following behind shortly.
ReplyDeleteMore later...
Surgery went well last night, I am in the room with her now. They are preparing to remove the intubation tubes (extubate). Soon she'll be able to talk again. Her upper bowel had folded over on itself, the surgeon removed part of it to prevent that from happening again.
ReplyDeleteIt's been a few days, and not much has been changing for my daughter throughout them. She's been on bipap and not gaining any ground... until today. All day today she went without the bipap and her "numbers" actually improved some. We're still waiting for her bowels to "wakeup" from the surgery so she can drink and then eat again... something which has been quite a cause of anxiety for her. They are also leaving her off the bipap for the night - and that will be a true test of how she is moving forward. If the "numbers" fail in the night, she may have to come home with bipap for night use.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter's bowels never quite "woke up" - and then they found another bowel obstruction. At 3:33 Sunday, February 6th Julianne entered into eternity.
ReplyDeleteI went to Mass at 7am at Our Lady of Sorrows that morning. Looking at the statue of Our Lady with the sword piercing her heart - a new found respect for Our Lady's suffering was made ever so clear... the pain of losing your own child cannot be adequately understood until you have gone through it yourself.
We are saddened by our loss, but joyfully hope to see her again one day when we come to our eternal rest.
Eternal rest grant unto her, oh Lord; may her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in peace.
ReplyDeleteI am so very very sorry to hear about your loss.